Poopin' Around Town

A guide to where to poop while out and about primarily in and around Boston, MA.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Charmin Restrooms - New York, NY

Charmin Restrooms - 10.0

Wow. Talk about a great idea! The Charmin Restrooms are located at 1540 Broadway next to the Virgin Megastore and under the Bertelsmann Building. To sum up, this is Charmin's holiday gift to New York. From our point of view, they knew exactly what to get as a gift!

Location: Once you enter, go up the escalator. At the top, proceed forward and you will be in the area of the restrooms. Sometimes you will have to wait in a line, other times you won't. Since the goal of the establishment is to provide relief for those looking for a restroom, they are pretty easy to find.
Grade: 10 out of 10

Accessibility: Not even close to a concern. You're actually encouraged to come in just to use the facilities!
Grade: 10 out of 10

Number of Stalls: There are 20 individual restrooms to use. The ones that are in use are noted by a blue light above the door. You will be directed by one of the overly enthusiastic staff members as to which restroom will be yours. As well, there are two stalls designated for little ones having a bit of an emergency or those who really have to go (pictured below).
Grade: 10 out of 10

Stall Quality: My restroom (#3) was very nice. All of them are a bit on the small side, but at this place you have nothing to complain about anyway.
Grade: 10 out of 10

Toiler Paper: You want variety? You got it! There are six different types of toilet paper here all fully stocked, so pick any one you'd like. You're the sandpaper type? They're on it. You're the wipe my ass with a piece of silk type? You're covered. Well..... maybe not silk, but you get the drift.
Grade: 10 out of 10

Cleanliness: Completely spotless. One of the aforementioned overly enthusiastic staff members actually makes sure that each restroom is absolutely spotless after each use. So rest assured that you'll be in good hands here.
Grade: 10 out of 10

Scent: Do you think that the good folks at Charmin would let you down at this point? Bathrooms were completely pleasant on this front.
Grade: 10 out of 10

Flush: Good to go!
Grade: 10 out of 10

Aesthetics: My bathroom was great! Some of the restrooms even have theme's like Everybody Loves Raymond. Can you ask for more?
Grade: 10 out of 10

The Bottom Line: It doesn't get better than this. If you're in dire straits and really need to go (there might be a line here, 5-10 minutes?) try to ask if you can use the Gotta Go stall, perhaps you'll get bumped ahead of everyone. Otherwise, this is paradise! The Charmin Restrooms are open 8AM - 11PM Daily until 12/31/2006. Head on over, it is an experience unto itself. This might actually be better than a 10.0!


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